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Serving up standard, bantam, and ornamental breeds, starting at age 12 weeks and up.
Whether you're looking for something fancy and fun to decorate your yard, tend to your garden, productive layers, or low maintenance pets, we have a little bit of everything to fulfill your wants or needs.
Pullets available for pre-order will be coop ready on their release date between 10-12 weeks of age. For a successful integration into an established flock, we recommend a minimum purchase of two chickens.
Light to Dark Brown and Pinkish Tones are possible too
The Australorp is one of the best laying chickens around and have great personalities and are easy to care for. They're an active breed and love to forage, but also do well in a backyard setting. They lay an average of 275 brown eggs a year or 4-5 eggs a week.
Plymouth Rocks are mellow birds that tend to get along with everyone in their flock. They're great foragers but also do well in confinement. They lay and average of 250 large brown eggs per year or 4-5 a week.
Easter Eggers come in an array of colors and their personalities vary as much as their plumage. Some have fluffy cheeks and beards, but can be smooth faced too! They’re super hardy layers of either a blue, green, brown, pink, or white egg. Expect an average of 250 med to large eggs a year or 4-5 a week.
Ice Blue to Turquoise
Easter Eggers come in an array of colors and their personalities vary as much as their plumage. Some have fluffy cheeks and beards, but can be smooth faced too! They’re super hardy layers of either a blue, green, brown, pink, or white egg. Expect an average of 250 med to large eggs a year or 4-5 a week.
Mint to Dark Green
Easter Eggers come in an array of colors and their personalities vary as much as their plumage. Some have fluffy cheeks and beards, but can be smooth faced too! They’re super hardy layers of either a blue, green, brown, pink, or white egg. Expect an average of 250 med to large eggs a year or 4-5 a week.
White and Cream
The Ancona lays white eggs, are excellent foragers and rarely go broody. They can be flighty but usually calm when handled. Expect an average of 200 eggs a year, or 3-4 a week.
Light to Dark Brown and Pinkish Tones are possible too
The Delaware is an excellent breed to have in your flock. They're very calm and friendly and rarely go broody. A great beginner breed with pet potential. They tolerate confinement but thrive on the occasional backyard foraging. They're a cold hardy and generally lay eggs year round. Expect an average of 200 large light to medium brown eggs per year or 3-4 a week.
The Welsummer is a hardy, sweet, and docile bird. They're great foragers and love to free range, but also do well in confinement. They lay an average of 150 large brown eggs a year or 2-3 a week.
Ice Blue to Turquoise
Mint to Dark Green
Green Queens are friendly and hardy birds that lay large green eggs. Like Easter Eggers, they come in a variety of colors and styles. They lay an average of 275 medium to large eggs annually or about 5 a week.